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As a business and marketing coach, I am often asked what is a sure-fire way to attract more clients, and my answer each time is by speaking. When you're at…...
Most entrepreneurs grow weary at this time of the year at the thought of the holidays coming while still needing to hit key targets so they can finish the current…...
Rita's Water Ice, Baskin Robbins and my favorite Japanese restaurant in the mall all do it. Most savvy entrepreneurs who know marketing is the oxygen in their business do it. You…...
Whenever I want to go to the next level in my business, I take some time to reflect in gratitude about all that I have. Each time, without fail, this…...
Because I am a business and marketing coach and I work with entrepreneurs, who are by nature extremely creative people, I find that many of them get caught in what…...
If you’re anything like me, you’re building a successful business and the thought of creating new content each week for your blog or e-zine makes you shake your head, overwhelmed.…...
Okay, so let me paint you a picture to share my tips for this week’s article….let’s say you just finished a client discovery session and offered the client to work…...
If you were to survey 100 six and seven figure entrepreneurs, I’m almost positive that over 85% of them would say that among their secret weapons to success, includes taking…...
god | life | business | strategysales | mtm