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About Our Guest Author: Lucy created GigMine to help others dig up sharing economy opportunities in a user’s area, all in a single location, so users don’t have to jump…...
This week at Incredible One Enterprises, we are celebrating 10 years in business. I am really excited about it. When I left my full-time job in corporate America to pursue…...
One thing is for sure in today’s marketplace: You can’t get by with what you used to do to get new clients. I’ve been in business since 2008 and in…...
As I shared last week, I am going through the process of making the shift to a married CEO. Well, I'm technically already married (for 39 days now), but I…...
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to have someone to share my life with. And now that I am officially a Mrs., I'm realizing that there's…...
The marketplace is overcrowded. And, every day new businesses are popping up and taking up space. And, until you figure out your Incredible Factor {Hot Undeniable Gift + Signature Business…...
Whenever I’m talking with business owners who want to grow their businesses, I can always guess on one hand the challenges they are experiencing. Nine times out of ten, the…...
In today’s marketplace there’s an overabundance of coaches and consultants – And if you are one of them, that shouldn’t alarm you because there are a lot of people out…...
Unless you've been under a rock in your business, you have likely heard this: "Just send us a proposal." And, if you've heard that and follow suit by sending a…...
Does anyone else feel like every time they turn around, there's a new social media network or strategy that is all the rage and GUARANTEED to grow your business? So…...
god | life | business | strategysales | mtm