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Incredible One Enterprises

You get what you pay for.  Not only is this saying true BUT many consumers (including your ideal clients) subscribe to this doctrine. And it’s true if you’re being honest…...
If you’re in business long enough, I guarantee you’ll experience it.  But my question for you is... how will you manage it so that you don’t lose a customer? Yup. …...
As an avid fan of Shark Tank, I anxiously tune in each week to see Ken O’Leary rip the entrepreneurs to shred usually for one reason: They don’t know their…...
Ever spend a few times a week with a colleague and then see him or her a few days later and while you can’t put your finger on it, you…...
“What gets attended to gets done.”  That quote, whom I don’t know who said by the way, was stenciled on the walls of the company for which I use to…...
I can recall the early days of my career when I bled green (that was the signature color of the company for which I worked.)  I honestly thought I would…...
It’s a new quarter and if you’re serious about your business, you are reflecting and preparing to make the second quarter that much stronger. One of the recommendations I will…...
I'm not even going to lie; it's hard to claim your vulnerability BUT, since I'm being honest, it is the key to connecting to prospects in a way that makes…...
I remember when I was first starting my business and entering into the personal development space.  I remember being confused by all the titles and labels and what people were…...
Endurance.  Apparently it's a good thing to have endurance, whether you are a car or an entrepreneur.  But, if you're enduring instead of enjoying your business, endurance is not such…...
god | life | business | strategysales | mtm